Vision Commercial Kitchen's Key Account Manager, David Bryant, is taking part in the London Winter Walk to fundraise for The Darby Rimmer MND Foundation.
David will be part of a group of family and friends, 'The Somerset Striders' who are walking to help raise awareness and fundraise for The Darby Rimmer MND Foundation. The groups close friend was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease in 2020 and is their inspiration behind the fundraising walk.
The Darby Rimmer Foundation was created to 'create awareness of MND, to fund and assist research into the illness with the quest of finding a cure for the illness, to raise funds and offer grants to those with MND, as well as creating a network to help provide information and an emotional support network for those diagnosed with the disease.' (ref:
On the 29th January, the group will set off from the Oval Cricket Ground and will walk a half marathon (13 miles) along the designated route. If you would like to support their fundraising please visit: Joanna Hooper is fundraising for The Darby Rimmer MND Foundation (